Saturday, November 7, 2009

Update (11/7/09)

I just wanted to post an update on how Penny is doing. I know I have not done this for quite some time. I am happy to say that Penny has been doing much better. I feel like I have finally getting a grasp on her problems. And since her condition has improved we were finally able to get Penny fixed, about 3 months ago, which was a big relief for me. Where should I start, I guess I will start with her biggest problem that pretty much started them all, her allergies.

Allergies (skin issues)
I have still been feeding Penny Wellness (the allergy one) since I still wonder if she may have a food allergy. In the future I plan to experiment a little to see if she does or not. I now believe that her skin problems were caused by a very bad case of dry skin. I determined this when her skin started to bother her and got red, right around the same time when my hands start to get dry and bother me, when it gets cooler outside. It makes sense because I could never understand why during the winter was when she was at her worst. During the summer she hardly scratches. It also makes sense that when I put the boots on her when she goes outside, she is 100x's better. I have been putting her boots on her again for the past couple of weeks (at least, maybe 3) and she has been doing fairly well.
Difficulty Eating
I am also happy to say that Penny has now been eating with no problem at all. I believe that the reason why she was having trouble eating was because she had fur or fur balls that was causing the problem. After she threw up some fur balls she seems to get much better, and now has no problem at all.

Burping up of Clear Liquid
I think that this was also associated with the fur balls, along with her difficulty eating. Since it also stopped after she threw up her fur balls.

Eye Problems
Penny's eye problems although we have not discovered a reason her eyes have improved drastically. For a very long time I was putting 2 and for a while 3 medications in her eyes. I did not really like any of them though, they all just seemed to dry out her eyes, and for a dog with a low tear count it just was not working out. As the medications started running out I slowly stopped using one at a time. The only thing that I continued to put in her eyes was artificial tears that I got at the store for $1.00 (vet said it was ok to give to her). Of all the things I was putting in her eyes it seemed to be the only thing that did any good. When I had her on just the artificial tears it was so much easier to clean out her eyes, and she can see again! Before she had some much gook in her eyes that she did not like to even open them, she would just lay around and sleep most of the day. But now she is playing again! And she is much much happier. I have been putting the artificial tears in her eyes about 3x's a day for about 3 weeks now. After I put the artificial tears in her eyes I clean them out with Q-tips every time. It seems like every time I clean out her eyes their has been less and less discharge.

She still has ear problems, of and on, but Oxyfresh Ear Cleaner seems to control them fairly well, as long as I can catch the problem soon enough. Since her ears do not stick up it is easy to not realize that her ears may need some attention. She does not ever scratch them when they are bothering her so if I do not check them often I may not realize there is a problem until they smell, which at that point they are pretty bad. It then takes a while to get them back to where they should be, but we are working on it, and it is getting better.


So to sum things up Penny has been doing much much better. Allergies and skin problems are mostly understood and becoming under control. She has not had any difficulty eating, or burping up of liquid for many months now. Her eyes are improving and getting much better everyday. Since her last problems with seizures she has not had any episodes, not even when she has been very active. I have finally found a way to control her ears without having to go to the vet every other week, which is very good. Also her dry nose does not seem to be as bad as it has been before, still slightly dry but not anywhere as bad.

Copper and Diabetes
After all that good news I do have a some bad news to share also. Right around the time that I started to feel I was getting a grasp on most of Penny's problems our other dog Copper was diagnosed with diabetes. It has been a rough past couple months. He has slowly been getting better, but we are having a lot of trouble trying to get him to gain weight. Before the diabetes he use to weight somewhere around 65 lbs. he now weights 45 lbs. He just does not seem to want to gain weight. I am not considering making up a special diet, that is specially designed for him. If anyone knows of a good web site or some one who is good at specially designed diets, I would love to know about it. I am hoping that one day soon both Penny and Copper can be happy like they use to be before, and all their problems can be under control.

I wanted to post this update so in case there is anyone out there that has had any of Penny's problems maybe it can offer some possible solutions or some things to try for your pet. I know how difficult it can be to see you pet unhappy and uncomfortable and not know what to do to help them, and what it is like to seem like there is no end in sight. I now have hope that if you do not give up there is an end in sight, it may take a while but it is there.