Believe it or not her eyes did not get really really bad. I thought that they probably would since her eyes are usually the worst after she has had them open for a long period of time(when she is very active). They were only slightly worse than usual. Which is good.

Unusual eating
I do think that her eating is getting better. She now seems to be chewing the food where as she would normally just swallow it (or inhale it, which ever you prefer). I think that what ever was bothering her may be improving. Which is also good.

Burping up of clear liquid
This was Penny's main problem today. She must have burped up a mouth full of clear liquid at least 10 times through out the morning. I definitely does seem like she does this when she is up and about. It does not have to be when she has been extremely active, all she has to do is run around just a little bit in the house, in order for this to happen.

Dry nose
Today even though Penny was very active her nose still remained very dry throughout the day. Usually it seems like her nose may be dry but when she is more active it will become wet, not today though. She did drink some water too, how much I am not exactly sure.

Overall Penny was very tired after all the excitement today, which is very understandable, although I wish she wasn't. One good thing is that she has not had any seizures

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